Chilean Contemporary Dance

Written by .:[SaimatkonG]:. on 11:21 PM

dear comrades of Publicity Group,

I've attended the 1st show of Chilean Contemporary Dance last nite, it was really impressive and not to be missed performance. It's also an eye opener for me to view such a creative dance, which relates how disability can become a gift and source of dance evolution by introducing new languages of movement.

I was touched by the dancers, who are normal but present themselves as disable persons in a truly fantastic way. Each of them with a different disability, come together and support each other with their love and compassion, they went through all the struggles together, enjoy the happy moment together and achieved the final breakthrough in their lives. I strongly felt that disability is not the main obstable and it is secondary, victory of our spirit is utmost important.

It was abstract, but through their body movement and expression, it had successfully brought the message across. It can be considered an educational and thought provoking contemporary dance performance.

Tonite, we still have 76 tickets left, i hope that all of you can grasp this opportunity to expose yourself to such a good cultural performance. It was a worth to watch performance!

For those who are interested, pls call me asap to book the tickets, and u can pay & collect the ticket at the lobby counter during arrival.


Sharing of my impression
1) Each and every of their movement is very sharp and precise - this displays their professionalism.
2) From the expressions it reveals of ture love and care among them, the spirit of sharing tears of joy and sorrow together, especially when they ddid not give up but tried to embrace someone who seemed to be an outsider. I strongly feel that this is what Ikeda Sensei said: the heart is most important.
3) Bearing in mind that the performers are normal people, who try to bring love and peace to the world through their dance crossing boundaries and differences. This is something which I wish to pay my respect to them.


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